About Us
Désirée Fusi is the founder and director of DF Astists. Born in Italy, she studied foreign languages and literatures at University “La Sapienza” in Rome, obtaining a degree in Russian language, literature and culture with top marks and special mention. She studied Performing Arts Management at Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna, obtaining a master with top marks.
Passionate about music, she studied classical guitar, piano and recently recorder. She also attended a course about gregorian chant.
She started working as a personal assistant of some musicians and in 2017 she founded DF Artists, with the aim of serving greatest music and all those who dedicate their life in the performance of it at the highest level.
She is member of ARIACS Associazione dei Rappresentanti Italiani di Artisti di Concerti e Spettacoli and of AEAA Association Européenne des Agents Artistiques/European Association of Artist Managers.